New Invention Ideas | InventHelp

We are busy making plans for the next year – both Virtually and In-Person until we all know what will be the “norm” and we’d LOVE to hear from you as to what you want / need for your business.  Whether a hot topic or speaker you have heard that you think would be good for our Monthly Lunch & Learn series – we are looking for those ideas to help fill our calendar.

Be sure to check online for our Monthly Calendar and Updates as we begin to lock in the dates, topics / speakers and locations.  As always – we are here to be a local Network to assist you in your business and to help you personally to grow and develop in the ways necessary for your success.

Mark your calendars and get back into the groove with our 1st Thursday of the month for Lunch & Learn series (attend virtually with no lunch) or in-person with a lunch; and for those willing / wanting to attend:   2nd Tuesday of the month we will rotate to local locations for our Coffee Break morning networking; and 3rd Wednesday of the month for our Wind Down Wednesday with a new location each month to enjoy a bit more of our local establishments.