Many of us likely feel we don’t know what day it is or what we are to be doing with our time to get on track with our business / life in general…

It may still be too soon to know how much longer changes are going to be in effect; but, we want you to know that your Leadership Team is still here and “trying” to put things together for moving forward.  At this time, the restrictions of the Dayton Realtors building limits our activities – and we may look at other venues or means to continue the monthly netowrking we all need.

While National and / or State may be forthcoming with suggestions on how things will be addressed for the year, at the local level – we want to offer a support system that is a direct link for you and in our own community of needs.  If there is any particular topic or event you would like to get on the table – let us know.

If you are ZOOM’d out, we get it – but if it is the only way you are comfortable in having a discussion / networking / meeting at this time, let us know that too!

At this time there will NOT be a July 2nd monthly meeting – even though fireworks are cancelled, we understand some may be venturing out for a long holiday celebration or just a little R & R.  WE HOPE TO DO A AUGUST MEETING – somehow, someway, somewhere 😉