We know that the website and all the technology changes can be confusing – and if you are feeling overwhelmed, lost or just not sure where to go to RSVP or even see what our Network has planned – we want to help!
Links are a quick way to access information, RSVP or documents as a part of the post we may share with our Weekly Updates or in an email blast.
Within the CALENDAR on our website, each event we have planned or working on will be on the designated date / time and simply clicking on that will take you to more information – as well as provide the RSVP (for head count / space purposes or to PAY @ DOOR) and / or TICKETS (to pay in advance – which will take you to our Network PayPal payment option).
The MAIN WEBSITE PAGE “Home Page” is where you likely start. From there, navigating to the specific item you need is done by clicking on a hyperlink to a PAGE which is found at the top right of our logo image. Those options are: REALTOR MEMBERS; STRATEGIC PARTNERS; SPONSORSHIP; DOCUMENTS; and / or CALENDAR. On each page you can SCROLL UP or SCROLL DOWN and if you see something you want to explore, just try clicking it to see what happens (we promise, it won’t explode!)
Here’s a quick link to get to our EVENTS CALENDAR: https://wcrdayton.org/events/
IF you are still feeling dazed and confused – reach out to Tammy and ask for some help, she may be able to walk you thru the steps you need or she will be happy to show you at one of the upcoming meetings if better.