If you are a Realtor Member and renewing ONLINE with National – you will want to take note of a couple things (please) – to ensure that we have accurate records, we are asking you to PRINT or SAVE PDF of your PAID RECEIPT and send to our [email protected] so that we know you are Paid and Active.  There still remains a few issues with the National site, so we just want to make sure we have you included on our Network files.

ALSO, if you are a PMN designee – you will notice that the billing for that designation is NOT included in your membership.  They are working on getting that as one payment option – but currently will be sending out a separate notice / payment link for PMN.

Angie Travis of Columbus Network is our PMN Liason, so if you have any questions or issues, please reach out to her for assistance.  THANKS!

[email protected]
